Meet the Founder


July 16, 2022, remains stuck in my mind, on repeat. It was the day my eldest daughter, Tamajah, lost her life, just three days after her Sweet 16th birthday. She found herself in the wrong place, with the wrong crowd, at the wrong time. Tragically, the car she was in was caught in gunfire, and she, kneeling in the fetal position in the backseat, was struck by a bullet that took her life almost instantly, piercing her lungs and aorta. Learning of her death through Instagram shattered me, plunging me into a year-long depression as my world was turned upside down within hours.

Even with dealing with my grief, I was able to find purpose. My own journey through loss has prepared me to support other mothers who have endured similar heartbreak. I’ve come to understand that grief changes you irreversibly, but it’s okay to embrace the new version of oneself it creates. Everyone isn’t going understand your journey, because it’s uniquely yours, guided by a higher purpose. Through faith and seeking guidance, wounds can transform into wisdom.

I’m Shana Ramsey, founder of the Long Live My Angel Grief Support Group Inc., a grieving mother myself. My personal loss has inspired me to create this organization, offering solace and understanding to mothers like me. Together, we’ll navigate this journey, one day at a time.